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5 Benefits of Walking Every Day

You may not realise it, but May is National Walking Month and to encourage you to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, we have listed the 5 benefits of walking every day. Your daily walks are more beneficial for you than you think! 1. Keeps you Fit Many people don’t…

Beginner-friendly yoga poses to do whilst at home

1. Seated twist Find a comfortable seated position on the floor or yoga brick/cushion. Take an inhale to reach the arms up and overhead, than exhale to twist to the side, using your arms to facilitate the movement. Hold for a breath, and inhale to come back to centre, and…

Healthy breakfast ideas when you’re training for a marathon

When you’re training for a marathon it’s important to ensure you’re fueling your body correctly. Eating the right foods will not only improve performance, but can also help with recovery and injury prevention. As breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day here are some of our recommendations for…

Easy at-home all over body exercises

With each New Year comes resolutions, and although made with the best of intentions many people often struggle to make it to the end of January with them. Going to the gym and exercising regularly is often one of the most popular resolutions as we seek to shed those Christmas pounds. However, finding time to go to the gym can be hard, and when you get there the queues for some machines can be crazy, especially in January. To save time and money on gym membership we have created this list of exercises for you to try at home and stay on track with that get-fit resolution.

HIIT workouts – what are they and how can they help you?

Nowadays we are even more time poor than ever and as we're almost at the end of the year, the thoughts of many are starting to turn to health plans and training routines for the New Year. So how can we make the most of the time we do have but still get maximum results?We might just have the answer for you and it’s called HITT! HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is one of the most effective workout methods for burning fat. HIIT workouts also boost your metabolism, improve your cardiovascular fitness, and boosts energy levels by getting your body working harder to burn fat.

Top 5 health trends in 2015

There never seems to be a week that goes by without talk of a new health craze, the latest superfood or a new way to get fit.  Staying healthy doesn’t come easy and it requires work – a need to eat the right things, to live the right way and to look after your body in the best possible way.  Enjoying a healthy and balanced lifestyle can come easier for some than it does for others, but if you’re looking ahead to the cold winter months and wanting some inspiration for getting healthy or improving how you look after your body, here are 5 of the top trends we’ve seen so far in 2015.

7 steps to getting into shape for the summer

Recently we looked at 7 pieces of must own gym equipment for the home, and with summer on the way we thought it would be useful to look at  how you can  get your body into shape for the summer months.  The warm weather, sunlight and longer days, all work to help our bodies feel more alert, providing vitamin D which aids the maintenance of healthy skin, bones and teeth.  Here are  7 ways to  get your body into shape and to start feeling healthier as the season of summer comes closer.

Keeping fit at home – 7 must own pieces of training equipment

Working out and trying to stay fit, doesn't need to be an expensive hobby.  Yes, eating right and training regularly will play a big part in helping you get into shape and stay fit, but it doesn't mean you need to break the bank with gym memberships and expensive foods to achieve this.  You can manage to make the first steps to getting (and staying) fit right from your own home.  Eating the right food can help you prepare and recover from training sessions, but today in the Linwoods blog, we are going to look at gym equipment that can help you get fit in the home.  Below, we list 7 of our favourite pieces of equipment, and the great thing about these is that they are all easy to use.

Linwoods recipe challenge – Delicious Dahl with Chia Seeds

Today in the Linwoods blog, we're going to take you through another step by step guide to making one of our tasty Linwoods recipes.  This time, we're looking at something that's a little bit spicy; a vegetarian dish packed full of flavour and the taste of India – we're talking about our delicious dahl.  There are many ways to create a great dahl dish, with some cooks using lentils.  We are using yellow split peas to make our tasty dahl, a homely dish that can be enjoyed for lunch or dinner, or cooked again when you are looking for a healthy snack during the day.  If you aren't a fan of split peas, chick peas or mixed beans can be used as an alternative.  Below, we take you through the processes of making this comforting dish, so, let's get started.

3 Tips to preparing and recovering from a training session

We recently looked at 4 benefits to eating seeds when training and working out but what you eat is just part of the preparation and recovery process that we all go through when training.  For athletes and those of us looking to get fit, our diet is one of the most important parts of the whole training process.  It isn’t alone though and there are a number of things that you need to consider when getting your body ready for a workout, a tough training session, a match or even a long distance run or cycle.

4 Benefits of eating seeds when training and working out

Whether you’re a full time athlete or simply enjoy (or even don’t enjoy) working out and training on a regular basis, be sure to add some seeds to your routine in 2014.  Seeds are continuing to grow in popularity with chia seeds and flax seed becoming particularly popular among athletes.  Seeds (and nuts) can be a great alternative to your normal snack this year, so rather than reaching for a packet of crisps or bar of chocolate to get a quick energy boost, add some seeds to a natural yoghurt and enjoys the great benefits of seeds to your body.  

Why protein is good for you when exercising

Many of us do not get enough physical activity on a weekly basis.  Whether it’s due to the darker nights and colder weather, your job or looking after the kids, it’s often easier to find excuses not to train than it is to find reasons to get started. Linwoods shelled hemp seeds are a great source of protein & also provide your body with iron and magnesium which also helps to aid your recovery from exercising. 


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