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Shelled Hemp Benefits For A Slow Metabolism

What Do I Need If I Suffer from a Slow Metabolism? 3 Tips From Nutritionist Rachel Graham

With over 25 years of experience in food and nutrition, Nutritionist and Medicinal Chef Rachel Graham gives our readers 3 tips on how to manage a slow metabolism.

Top 3 Tips If You Suffer from a Slow Metabolism

Having a slow metabolism is frustrating, as it can be difficult to maintain a healthy weight. In addition, a slow metabolism can literally slow you down – low levels of energy are a common symptom of a slow metabolism.

The good news is, there are steps you can take to support your metabolism and boost your energy levels for improved long-term health and well-being

Those particularly affected by a slow metabolism are women in midlife. Women in perimenopause (approximately 45-50 years old) often experience a slowdown of their metabolism because of a decline in oestrogen.

However, this is not the only contributing factor – often a poor diet, going too long without food, inactivity, or poor sleep can also be key driving factors …

In order to rev your metabolism & get things working as they should be, consider using the following tips that will help you get back on track:

1. Focus on Magnesium

One of the key elements in supporting a healthy metabolism is magnesium.
The problem is many of us are not consuming enough magnesium-rich foods in our diet.
Some of you may be aware of magnesium’s benefits to help aid relaxation. However, magnesium also plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including energy production, protein synthesis, and muscle function.

Furthermore, it is also essential for the metabolism of the main macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms are not always obvious as they are very similar to menopause symptoms + only 1-2% of our body’s magnesium stores are represented in the blood – so blood tests aren’t the best place to check for deficiency.

To optimise your magnesium intake, I recommend increasing your magnesium- rich food intake i.e. dark leafy greens like spinach and kale, nuts and seeds, legumes, and whole grains. These are all excellent sources of this life-essential, major mineral.

Another convenient and versatile option to consider is adding shelled hemp seeds to your diet. Shelled hemp is also a rich source of magnesium.

Benefits Of Shelled Hemp when you have a slow matoblism

2. Add Shelled Hemp Seeds into Your Diet

Shelled hemp is a powerhouse of nutrition, and its benefits extend well beyond its high magnesium content.
Hemp seeds contain all nine essential amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) making them a complete protein source. Hemp seeds are also rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for brain function and heart health.

Including shelled hemp in your diet can help increase satiety, promote healthy digestion, and support muscle recovery and growth.

Linwoods Shelled hemp is a fantastic source of plant-based protein, healthy fats (ALA) and fibre, as well as a great source of magnesium.
Its nutty flavour and soft texture make it a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes.

Add a couple of tablespoons of Linwoods shelled hemp to your morning smoothie or sprinkle it over your porridge or overnight oats. Two tablespoons is the effective dose.

You can also mix it into your favourite yoghurt or even blend it into pesto for a nutritious protein and magnesium boost! Linwood’s shelled hemp can significantly boost magnesium levels which in turn will support your metabolism and overall health and well-being.

3. Maintain an Active Lifestyle If You Have A Slow Metaoblism

Slow Metabolism

While incorporating magnesium-rich foods and other nutritious foods i.e. Linwoods shelled hemp seeds into your diet is effective, it is equally important to maintain an active lifestyle. Regular exercise can help rev up your metabolism, support a healthy weight, and improve overall health and well-being.

Engage in activities you enjoy, whether that’s swimming, or practising yoga & Pilates.  The best exercise is the one you do regularly! Aim for a combination of cardiovascular exercises to boost calorie burn and strength training exercises to build lean muscle mass. Muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain, so increasing your muscle mass can help support a healthy metabolism.

Additionally, try to incorporate small bursts of N.E.A.T activity throughout your day. (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis) These are activities outside of your scheduled exercise time i.e. taking the stairs instead of the lift, parking your car further away from your destination & walking the rest of the way. Going for a short walk during your lunch break etc… These little changes can add up and make a significant difference in boosting your metabolism and overall energy levels.

To conclude:

Nothing else will reduce your risk factors for chronic disease like a really good diet. Incorporating optimum doses of key nutrients is the #1 way to extend your health span beyond societal norms.
Being optimally nourished will not only provide boundless energy for daily activities but also support your metabolic health in order to thrive for years to come…

Linwoods Shelled Hemp is not only a great source of complete plant protein but also a great source of magnesium – the mineral we need most to support energy levels & the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

About The Author

Rachel, the author of this article giving us tips about how to deal with a slow metabolism introduces herself.

Hi! I’m Rachel, here’s a little bit about me and how I can help you!

Rachel Graham Nutrition

I’m a Nutritional Therapist & Medicinal Chef with over 25 years of Food & Nutrition experience.

I work predominantly in Women’s Health with an emphasis on Menopause. This naturally incorporates gut health, heart health & hormone health.

I am an accredited Menopause educator from The British Menopause Charity. I am qualified to advise women of the various treatment options available to manage the symptoms of menopause, including:

  • HRT 
  • Alternatives to HRT(supplements, lifestyle & alternative therapies)
  • Nutrition for Menopause – my new cookbook will be published in November 2022 with pre-orders open from September!

I run an online clinic with 1:1 consultations + group coaching specifically for Menopause

I also offer Meal Prep classes to give you the practical skills to improve your diet.
If you need help & would like to get in touch, just click here to book in for a quick chat

If you enjoyed this article about what you can do if you suffer from a slow metabolism you will enjoy Rachels other articles such as Eat Your Way To A Healthy Heart in 6 Easy Steps, Lignans and their benefits for Menopause Improve Your Health With These 3 Daily Changes. We hope that if you suffer from a slow metabolism that this article benefits you and gives you tips to introduce to your lifestyle.


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