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Jane McClenaghan Vital Nutrition

What is my favourite Linwoods product, and why? Discover a nutritionists #1 favourite

Jane McClenaghan talks us through her favourite Linwoods product from our range of Cold Milled Flaxseed, Chia Seeds & Hemps Seeds.

What is my favourite Linwoods product, and why?

It is hard to pick just one Linwoods product, as I like them all for different reasons, but the one that tends to feature more in my diet these days is Menoligna.

At my age, I am doing anything I can to help support female hormone balance at perimenopause, and lignans are an important ingredient in my nutritional toolkit to help support female hormone balance at this time in my life.

Nutritionists favourite product, Menoligna

Here are some of the reasons why I love this Linwoods product:

  1. It adds a daily dose of phytoestrogens to my diet

Phytoestrogens are an important addition to any woman’s diet, but especially if you, like me, are hitting perimenopause.

Linwoods product, Menoligna has been specially formulated to have higher levels of phytoestrogens called lignans, which are naturally found in the inner layer of the flaxseed hull. This is one of the reasons why I always choose milled flaxseed rather than whole flaxseeds. Lignans have been shown to help support oestrogen balance and may help in the management of menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats, neither of which i have experienced yet, I am grateful to say! Could it be thanks to my daily dose of Menoligna?


  1. It adds a pop of protein to my breakfast

As my hormone levels start to change, I need higher levels of protein than I did earlier in life. At perimenopause, I am at increased risk or sarcopenia (muscle wastage and bingo wings!), so I work hard to include strength training a couple of times a week and I am upping the ante on protein in my diet. It is recommended that we increase our protein to about 1.2g protein per kg body weight at perimenopause. A portion of Menoligna contributes about 6g to my daily diet.

I find additional protein at breakfast really helps me to feel fuller for longer and stops me snacking between meals, so better for managing my weight too.

Menoligna - Specficially designed for women during the menopause stage of life


  1. It is packed with fibre to support a healthy gut microbiome

The soluble fibre in Menoligna does a good job of helping keep my digestion regular and I am safe in the knowledge that my gut microbiome loves it too! Studies show that lignans may help to increase the population of probiotic bacteria like lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in our gut, and this has all sorts of benefits for my health at this age. Brain function, skin health, immunity and mood have all been linked to a healthy gut microbiome and we also know that these friendly bacteria are essentials for a healthy metabolism of sex hormones.


  1. It contains nutrients to help support my bones

Strong bones need calcium, vitamin D and K2, amongst other nutrients found in a healthy diet, and Linwoods have added a little extra of each of these nutrients to Menoligna to help support bone density for women like me at perimenopause. As levels of oestrogen and progesterone start to decline, we have less bone protection from these hormones, so I am conscious of making dietary choices to support bone density. More leafy greens, a focus on good quality dairy products (kefir, natural yoghurt and good quality cheese) and plenty of nuts and seeds.

Menoligna, Jane McClenaghans favourite product at Linwoods

  1. It helps support healthy cholesterol levels

I recently had a blood test and I am happy to say that my total cholesterol, LDL and HDL are all looking on good shape. Oestrogen and progesterone have protective effects on our heart and cardiovascular system, so as levels change, adding Linwoods product, such as Menoligna to my daily diet is a little health insurance to help keep my cardiovascular system healthy.

  1. It is so easy to use

Most days I add a decent portion of Linwoods product, Menoligna to my natural yoghurt, low sugar granola and berries, but if I am having a different breakfast, then I pop it into my day in different ways. Maybe sprinkled on top of homemade gazpacho in the summertime, a portion stirred into curries or added to salads. It has a lovely nutty flavour that is easy to take.

I am hoping that my daily habit of adding Menoligna to my diet will help ease my way through the perimenopause years without too many side effects.

Jane McClenaghan is Northern Ireland’s most recognised nutritionist with over 20 year’s experience. Her company Vital Nutrition specialises in developing and delivering group sessions for corporate and community clients both online and in-person as well as running an online membership club and offering one-to-one consultations. She is a frequent user of Linwoods product

Jane Immune System

Jane’s knowledge in the subject area of health and wellbeing is unrivalled as indicated by her qualifications, reputation and experience.

Jane’s sessions cover a range of health and wellbeing topics from mental health to stress, female and male health, healthy eating on a budget, heart health, sleep, family wellbeing and much more.
Jane is also the author of two books on nutrition, she writes a weekly column in the Irish News, has a monthly slot on radio U105 and is a regular contributor to the BBC, The Belfast Telegraph and many other media outlets.

You can find out more and get in touch with Vital Nutrition here;

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If you enjoyed reading this article about Jane’s favourite Linwoods product you can read more of her articles in our blog. Jane is a regular contributor to Linwoods. Linwoods product have many potential benefits and in each product page we go into detail about how they can potentially help you.


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