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Staying healthy at work

Staying healthy at work – Top tips from The Food Medic

Eight hours in a chair in front of a computer, five days a week can take a toll on our bodies and bares the question…how healthy at work are we?

Trying to stay on track with healthy eating at the office isn’t always easy, especially when there seems to be birthday cake or buns nearly every day of the week! Many workplaces are also restricted in terms of cooking facilities or access to healthy food nearby, which can make it even more difficult.

One lady who knows a thing or two about eating healthy at work is Hazel Wallace a.k.a The Food Medic. As well as running a successful health blog, Hazel is a full-time junior doctor in London. Working 12+ hour days and often unsociable hours, Hazel still manages to make sure she is nourishing herself with lots of tasty meals packed with all the essential vitamins and minerals.

We’ve asked Hazel to list her top tips for eating healthy at work to give you some lunchbox inspiration!

  1. Prep like a boss

When it comes to healthy eating, preparation is the key to success. Planning and preparing your meals ahead of time will make healthy choices a no-brainer. Instead of running to the local deli, you’ll have a home cooked feast on hand that can be heated up faster than you can walk to the shop. A bigger bonus is, in the long run you will save yourself some extra money! Win win situation.


  1. If you don’t have it you can’t eat it

Don’t keep snacks on your desk or you will end up nibbling on them mindlessly. Yes, we always get that mid-day slump and its quite easy to reach out and start nibbling to give us some energy but realistically its nibbling for the sake of it and not actually because we need to fuel our body with food. Keeping snacks away from our desk makes it that little bit harder to get tempted. Instead drink the water!

Snacks on desk

  1. Step away from the desk!

Eating at your desk means that you are multi-tasking. Your attention isn’t on your work, and it is certainly not on the food that you are most likely inhaling. In order to be a healthy eater, you need to pay attention to what you are eating. You will enjoy your food more. You will ingest less of it. And, as a result, you should see the health benefits as well.

Picnic lunch

  1. Get moving!

Use your lunch break to squeeze in a 30 minute workout or walk! Getting up and leaving your desk allows you to stretch the legs and loosen up the hip flexors.

Woman walking

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